Operational excellence is a critical driver for success and should be a key part of property management strategy. Using a standard approach to systematically identify and close performance gaps, property managers and building owners can continually improve the performance of their janitorial, custodial, maintenance and security operations. Being an integral part of any facility management philosophy, an IGS Security with its partners developed O&M manual provides you with a means to assure productivity and reduce operating costs through a comprehensive maintenance and security program. Using an IGS Security site-specific O&M manual effectively integrates objectives, plans, policies, processes, standards and behaviors into daily operations describing the steps necessary to be performed and how they are to be accomplished. The O&M manual provides the details to enable your workforce to develop the skills and knowledge to perform their jobs competently. It is becoming more common for detailed, modular, building block style facility-specific O&M manuals to be prepared for property managers. The accuracy, relevancy of our well-developed, easy to understand O&M manuals has been proven to provide the information needed to effectively and efficiently support the life cycle of the facility by providing information on:
service philosophy, objectives and mission, general policies and procedures
general building location, layout & diagrams
important contacts
facilities and work safety
building infrastructure-utility systems, functional descriptions, facilities specifications, plants and machinery locations and operations, troubleshooting and preventative maintenance
detailed job and service descriptions
detailed instructions for janitorial, custodial, maintenance and security guard procedures and processes, daily work schedules and reoccurring task scheduling (janitorial, custodial, maintenance and security)
facilities security systems
security mandate, coverage, policies and procedures
emergency procedures
reporting, measurement, verification and services request forms